Module 1 Syllabus
Projects require students to apply new concepts from class and build on existing knowledge. Students will have a total of 4 projects in Module 1:
- Titanic
- Friday, Week 1 - Thursday, Week 2.
- Individual project.
- This project is safe to fail. This means that it will not count towards promotion at the end of the module. Students will receive feedback on their project, but scores will not be recorded.
- Northwind
- Friday, Week 2 - Thursday, Week 3.
- Individual project.
- This project will count towards promotion.
- Movie Night
- Friday, Week 3 - Thursday, Week 4.
- Individual project.
- This project will count towards promotion.
- Big Short
- Friday, Week 4 - Wednesday, Week 6.
- Group project.
- This project will count towards promotion.
Independent Assessment
In week 6, students will participate in an Independent Assessment that will count towards the promotion decision. This is a 3 hour code challenge that students will complete independently. Students cannot seek help from other students, mentors, etc. Students are allowed to reference notes, other projects, and the internet.
In order to practice for the Independent Assessment in week 6, students will be given a weekly Independent Challenge starting in Week 2. They will be submitted using a Github Pull Request, and instructors will give feedback in the form of comments on the Pull Request. These are not formal assessments, but an opportunity for the student to practice their problem solving skills and receive feedback from instructors. Students are expected to complete the four iterations.
Students can find examples of Independent Challenges here
Projects and Independent Assessments will be scored on a 4 point scale:
- 4: Exceptional
- 3: Passing
- 2: Below Expectations
- 1: Far Below Expectations
Students are expected to receive 18 points on each project and independent assessment to obtain a passing grade. The first project doesn’t count towards promotion.
One-on-Ones: Students can request to meet with an instructor to talk about non-technical topics at any time. This can include a student’s progress, stress management, suggestions for improvement, etc. This conversation should not involve laptops, coding, whiteboarding, etc. These will be guaranteed if requested.
Instructor Pairing: Students can request paired work time with an instructor.
Feedback from Instructors: Students will receive feedback from instructors for each project, independent timed challenge and paired assessment. In addition, students will receive a message from the instructors at the end of each week indicating if there are any topics or assignments that did not meet our expectations. If necessary, this message will include suggested actions for improvement.
Mentors: Upon entering Module 1, students should have been paired with a mentor if for students who opted into the mentorship program. It is highly recommended that students set a weekly time to work with their mentor on technical work.
The Rock & Pebble Program: Similar to mentorship with an alum, students can opt into a program where they are matched with a Module 2 student.
Students must complete a Portfolio, and participate in a Portfolio Review. Instructions for the Portfolio can be found here
Instructors will use the cohort Slack channel as the primary means of communication with students.
When sending a direct message (DM), students must DM ALL instructors. Exceptions are when a DM only applies to one instructor, for instance scheduling a one-on-one.
Attendance is required at 90% or above to pass Module 1. Attendance will be counted at all scheduled activities from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm . Per the Student Course Catalog, tardiness will be counted as absence.