Practice Assessments

Practice Paired Assessment

Practice Independent Challenges

Week 2

The week 2 challenge is an intro to Object Oriented Programming. It will require students to build two classes that interact, as well as use an enumerable.

Example: Potluck

Week 3

The week 3 challenge will require students to build three classes that interact. It will also involve a more complex enumeration problem that can’t be solved with a single enumerable. Students will also need to access a Hash.

Example: World Cup

Week 4

The week 4 challenge will involve three classes with only partial specifications. Students must think algorithmically to build an Object Oriented solution that solves the problem. Students will also be required to build a hash.

Example: Boat Rental Example: Colorado Lottery

Weeks 5 and 6

The week 5 and 6 challenges are a test of a student’s knowledge of OOP and Ruby mechanics. They will involve two or three classes that interact, iterating over a hash, and several methods that can’t be built with a single enumerable.

The week 5 challenge will be a practice for the final in week 6.

Example: Reunion Example: Museo

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