

The RMS Titanic was a British passenger ship and the largest ship afloat at the time it entered service. In its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City, the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on April 15th, 1912. Of an estimated 2,224 passengers and crew aboard, only around 700 survived. The sinking is the deadliest peacetime sinking of a cruise ship to date.

The Titanic had advanced safety features according to the safety regulations of those days. The ship had davits that could lower 48 lifeboats —three at a time— but only carried 20 lifeboats. These boats could carry 1,178 people or about half the number of people on board. When the Titanic sank, the lifeboats were only half-filled.

Source: Wikipedia.


In this project, you will analyze the passenger data of the RMS Titanic and find insights related to the accident. To achieve this, you will need to import the data to Jupyter notebooks; use Python and Pandas to explore the data; and create a report with your findings. At the end you will submit your Jupyter notebook with your findings on a repository on Github.


  • CSV: comma-separated values, a text-based file format that is commonly used for storing and transferring tabular records.
  • Python: an object-oriented general-purpose programming language that emphasizes code readability. It is used mainly for data-related tasks, web development, and automation.
  • Anaconda: a Python and R distribution for scientific programming that simplifies package management and deployment.
  • Jupyter: an initiative to develop open-source systems for interactive computing. The two most used Jupyter products in Data Analysis are JupyterLab, a web-based interactive development environment, and Jupyter Notebooks, a web-application that allows users to create documents that contain live code.
  • Pandas: a Python package for data manipulation and analysis. It offers data structures and operations for manipulating numerical tables and time series.

Learning Goals

At the end of this project, students will be able to:

  • Install Anaconda.
  • Install Python packages using Anaconda.
  • Use Jupyter notebooks to explore data and write reports.
  • Use Pandas to load data into dataframes.
  • Use Matplotlib to create data visualizations.
  • Use Seaborn to create data visualizations.
  • Create objects to manipulate data programmatically.
  • Use variables to store data.


For full technical requirements click here.


You will submit your findings via a repository on Github. The repository will be named <first name>-<last name>-titanic. The repository should contain your Jupyter notebook.


The following rubric is divided in technical and professional skills. In order to complete this project successfully, students need to achieve 18 points.

Technical Skills


  • 4: The student was able to exceed the technical requirements and deliver additional insights based on the provided data set.
  • 3: The student was able to complete the technical requirements for this project.
  • 2: The student was able to complete the technical requirements except for one or two missing features.
  • 1: The student was not able to complete the technical requirements or does not have a working solution.


  • 4: The student organized his/her notebook and insights in a clear and logical structure, and included references where needed.
  • 3: The student organized his/her notebook and insigths in a logical structure.
  • 2: The student organized his/her notebook in a mostly logical structure.
  • 1: The student’s project was not clear nor organized.


  • 4: The student followed conventions, including proper naming and composition. Student wrote his/her notebook in a clear and concise way.
  • 3: The student followed conventions, including proper naming and composition.
  • 2: The student mostly followed conventions bar some omissions.
  • 1: The student writing was inconsistent and unclear, and his/her code didn’t follow conventions.

Professional Skills


  • 4: The student communicated with his/her instructors in a professional manner. The student proactively provided updates, and responded to instructors’ requests in time. The student also communicated any setbacks in time and requested help when necessary.
  • 3: The student communicated with his/her instructors in a professional manner and responded to instructors’ requests in time.
  • 2: The student communicated with his/her instructors in a professional manner.
  • 1: The student did not communicated with his/her instructors or did so in a unprofessional way.

Time Management

  • 4: The student delivered all the technical requirements and additional insights in time.
  • 3: The student delivered all technical requirements in time.
  • 2: The student delivered most of technical requirements in time.
  • 1: The student did not delivered his technical requirements in time.

Problem Solving

  • 4: The student was able to solve his/her own problems by reviewing documentation, obtaining help from peers and mentors, and reaching out to instructors as a last resort.
  • 3: The student was able to solve his/her own problems by obtaining help from peers and mentors, and reaching out to instructors.
  • 2: The student was able to solve his/her own problems by only reaching out to instructors.
  • 1: The student was not able to solve his/her own problems even with additional help.

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