Watch and Learn Project Rubric
Watch and Learn Rubric
Developer Empathy and Technical Debt
- 4: Meets all of the criteria below and went above and beyond to clean up and prevent technical debt.
- 3: Meets all of the criteria below.
- 2: Meets 3 of the requirements below.
- 1: Meets less than three of the requirements below.
Empathy and Technical debt criteria
- Points out areas where they have created technical debt.
- Points out areas where they have added to technical debt.
- Can explain how they could have prevented adding to technical debt.
- Can explain how the previous developers could have written their code to be more maintainable.
- 4: All user stories complete and at least one extension.
- 3: All user stories not labeled “extension” are complete. (You can negotiate with your instructor to set the requirements for a passing project, but this requires communication early on.)
- 2: Five cards are incomplete.
- 1: More than 5 cards are incomplete.
- 4: Project achieves 100% test coverage and includes below expectations.
- 3: Project achieves 90% or greater test coverage. In addition to “happy path”, project also includes “sad path”/edge case testing. Feature Tests stub external HTTP requests.
- 2: Project achieves 80-90% test coverage. Project may not include “sad path” or edge case testing.
- 1: Project does not achieve 80% test coverage.
Code Quality
Project should use RuboCop to measure code quality.
- 4: Team can demonstrate how API consumption portions of the project demonstrate all of the four pillars listed below and RuboCop has no complaints.
- 3: Team can demonstrate how API consumption portions of the project demonstrate 2 of pillars listed below, and RuboCop complains about 3 or less violations.
- 2: Team can demonstrate how API consumption portions of the project demonstrate 2 of pillars listed below, and RuboCop complains about 4 or less violations.
- 1: Team can demonstrate how API consumption portions of the project demonstrate 1 of the pillars listed below, or RuboCop complains about 5 or more violations.
4 Pillars of OO
- Project uses polymorphism
- Project uses encapsulation
- Project uses abstraction
- Project uses inheritance