Viewing Party Project Rubric

Viewing Party Rubric


  • 4: All core requirements are complete and at least two explorations.
  • 3: All core requirements are complete and at least one explorations.
  • 2: All core requirements are complete but missing exploration story.
  • 1: Core requirements are incomplete.


  • 4: Project achieves 100% test coverage and includes below expectations.
  • 3: Project achieves 90% or greater test coverage. In addition to “happy path”, project also includes “sad path”/edge case testing. Feature Tests stub external HTTP requests.
  • 2: Project achieves 80-90% test coverage. Project may not include “sad path” or edge case testing.
  • 1: Project does not achieve 80% test coverage.

Code Quality

Project should use RuboCop to measure code quality.

  • 4: Team can demonstrate how API consumption portions of the project demonstrate all of the four pillars listed below and RuboCop has no complaints. Team can identify areas where code can be refactored and how they may have created technical debt.
  • 3: Team can demonstrate how API consumption portions of the project demonstrate 2 of pillars listed below, and RuboCop complains about 3 or less violations. Team can identify areas where code can be refactored.
  • 2: Team can demonstrate how API consumption portions of the project demonstrate 2 of pillars listed below, and RuboCop complains about 4 or less violations.
  • 1: Team can demonstrate how API consumption portions of the project demonstrate 1 of the pillars listed below, or RuboCop complains about 5 or more violations.

4 Pillars of OO

  • Project uses polymorphism
  • Project uses encapsulation
  • Project uses abstraction
  • Project uses inheritance

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