Terrificus - Ideation


  • End of Week 2: Students begin brainstorming project ideas individually using the following guidelines.
  • Week 3: Students share their project ideas and vote on which projects they would like to work on.
  • End of Week 3: Students choose their preference among the most popular projects

Project Template

Fill out the following template for your project idea.

### [Project Title]

### Pitch

2 - 3 sentences that explains what the application will do.

### Features

* What features will your app include?

### Integrations

* Which APIs will you use?
* Which OAuth integration are you planning to use?


Your application must make good use of one external dataset or API. Some examples include:

Government Data

Corporate Data


  • SMS messaging
  • Email
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Analytics
  • Websockets
  • Messaging Brokers/Queues
  • Data Visualization
  • Location Services (Google Maps/Directions)
  • IOT Hardware (ex: Raspberry PI)

However, the list is not limited to these. You can choose to integrate with a service of your choosing, as long as it is approved by your client.

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