Consultancy - Evaluation
Technical Quality
Each Repo meets the following:
- Code follows DRY and SRP design
- Rails Front End
- Rails Back End
- Microservice 1
- Routes follow RESTful patterns (PMs have some discretion here)
- Rails Front End, User-facing routes are friendly (not necessarily RESTful)
- Rails Back End
- Microservice 1
- Optimization technique is implemented in one of the following:
- Rails Front End
- Rails Back End
- Microservice 1
- Controllers utilize Facades
- Rails Front End
- Rails Back End
- Facades utilize Service calls to store/retrieve data
- Rails Front End
- Rails Back End
- Good serialization patterns are implemented to return JSON
- Rails Back End
- Microservice 1
- Exposed API routes are versioned well
- Rails Back End
- Microservice 1
- Facades, Services, and/or Serializers use 100% class methods so instantiation is unnecessary
- Rails Back End
- Microservice 1
- Deploy to Heroku
- Rails Front End
- Rails Back End
- Microservice 1
- Travis CI is set up
- Rails Front End
- Rails Back End
- Microservice 1
Rails Front End
- No data storage (models, database schema, etc) is done at this layer; sessions and caching are the exception
- Application is easy to navigate for non-technical users
Rails Back End
- Database migrations are managed well, database schema is well planned and executed
- Facades read/write data from Models and Services as appropriate
When the above criteria is met, here are additional points to achieve a 4
Optimization techniques implemented in all repos
- Travis-CI deploys to Heroku
- Rails Front End
- Rails Back End
- Microservice 1
- Private methods in classes are used as appropriate
- Rails Front End
- Rails Back End
- Microservice 1
- Bootstrap is utilized well for layout and styling
- Rails Front End