Learning Goals

Skill Proficiencies

Academic success in B3 means that students demonstrate proficiency and comfort with the concepts below. The expected mastery level can be understood with the following scale:

  • Mastery: student is able to explain and implement the concept independently or with light reference
  • Functional: student recognizes when to use the concept and can implement it with the support of documentation and/or a collaborator
  • Familiarity: student can recognize and describe the concept when needed/appropriate, but is not able to implement the technology/technique


Object Oriented Programming

  • Students are able to use classes and methods to make abstractions that improve code quality
  • Students are able to write classes that demonstrate encapsulation of data
  • Students are able to explain how their code achieves abstraction and encapsulation
  • Students are able to apply MVC principles to separate responsibilities appropriately


  • Students are able to expose an API.
  • Students are able to consume external APIs


  • Students are able to test external API consumption
  • Students are able to test API exposure


Project Management

  • Students use pull requests to organize discussion about features.
  • Students communicate with product owners with regard to missing deadlines.
  • Students document intent and usage of their code for effective collaboration.
  • Students translate acceptance requirements into user stories that are ready for work.
  • Students utilize project management tools to communicate across technical teams and stakeholders/clients.
  • Students implement feedback from a code review to improve quality.
  • Students provide feedback in the form of a code review to improve quality and share knowledge.
  • Students are able to understand and build on an existing code base

Self-Directed Learning

  • Students formulate questions by synthesizing what was expected vs what was observed.
  • Students find resources online or in print to help them learn new technologies.
  • Students read documentation and implement strategies described.
  • Students ask meaningful questions.
    • Example: Don’t ask “How do I get this to work?” Instead, mention what has been tried, what happened, what was expected with a goal of understanding where you have made a wrong assumption.
  • Students utilize mentors and other community members to identify and discuss the merits of various implementations.


  • Students are able to use serializers to format json responses
  • Students are able to authenticate users via OAuth
  • Students are able to access the private resources of an OAuth-authenticated User

Advanced Rails

  • Students are able to send email from a Rails app.


  • Students are able to mock external HTTP requests using Webmock & VCR


  • Students compose advanced ActiveRecord queries to analyze information stored in SQL databases.
  • Students write basic SQL statements without the assistance of an ORM.



  • Students are able to explain when to use caching strategies to improve performance in Rails.
  • Students are able to explain the scenarios that would benefit from using background workers in Rails.
  • Students are able to explain how indexes address slow queries.
  • Students are able to avoid N + 1 queries

Front End Javascript

  • Students are able to make API calls using fetch calls.
  • Students are able to use jQuery to traverse and manipulate the DOM.

Lesson Search Results

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