Customizing JSON in your API

Learning Goals

  • Generate and customize Rails Serializers
  • Understand what constitutes presentation logic in the context of serving a JSON API and why formatting in the model is not the right place


On your own, research serializers. In your notebook, write down the answers to these questions:

  • What do serializers allow us to do?
  • What resources were you able to find? Which seem most promising?
  • What search terms did you use that gave the best results?


Serializers allow us to break from the concept of views fully with our API, and instead, mold that data in an object-oriented fashion. We don’t have views to do our dirty work for us anymore, so we rely on serializers in order to present to whomever is consuming our API what we want them to see.

When we call render json:, Rails makes a call to as_json under the hood unless we have a serializer set up. Eventually, as_json calls to_json and our response is generated.

With how we’ve used render json: up til now, all data related with the resources in our database is sent back to the client as-is.

Let’s imagine that you don’t just want the raw guts of your model converted to JSON and sent out to the user – maybe you want to customize what you send back.

Specifications for JSON response

Let’s use the json:api specification for our JSON responses. Take a minute to familiarize yourself with the documentation.

  • What is the root key?
  • How are the attributes formatted for a resource in a response?
  • How are a resource’s relationships formatted?


Adding to Our Existing Project

You may have created a repo to code-along with the building and API video last Thursday during evals. Feel free to use the repository that you created. Otherwise, you can clone this repo. Below are instructions for getting started from scratch.

git clone
git checkout complete-building-api-exercise
bundle exec rake db:create

We want to work with objects that have related models, so let’s add a Store model:

rails g model store name
rails g model store_book store:references book:references book_price:integer quantity:integer
bundle exec rake db:migrate

Add relationships to your models:

# in book.rb
has_many :store_books
has_many :stores, through: :store_books

# in stores.rb
has_many :store_books
has_many :books, through: :store_books

And whip together a quick seed file:

#in seeds.rb
20.times do
    title: Faker::Book.title,
    genre: Faker::Book.genre,
    summary: Faker::Lorem.paragraph,
    number_sold: Faker::Number.within(range: 1..10)

5.times do

books = Book.all

books.each do |book|
  store_id_1 = rand(1..5)
  store_id_2 = rand(1..5)

        store_id: store_id_1,
        book_price: rand(100..10000),
        quantity: rand(1..10)
        store_id: store_id_2,
        book_price: rand(100..10000),
        quantity: rand(1..10)

And seed

bundle exec rake db:seed

Create the store controller and routes:

  • touch controllers/api/v1/stores_controller.rb
  • add controller setup for index and show
# stores_controller
class Api::V1::StoresController < ApplicationController
  def index

  def show
  • Add the routes to our routes file
    namespace :api do
      namespace :v1 do
    resources :books
    resources :stores, only: [:index, :show]
  • Set index and show methods to render appropriate json.
# stores_controller
class Api::V1::StoresController < ApplicationController
  def index

  def show


Use Postman to view the current responses that your API is providing to the routes listed below:

  • api/v1/stores
  • api/v1/stores/:id

So we have our responses from our server, but it isn’t JSON API 1.0 And it has this created at and updated at stuff which we don’t want. So what do we do? We need to use a serializer.

Customizing JSON

  1. Create a Store Serializer and try to build out a hash that will look like this without using a gem:
      "data": [
       "id": "1",
       "type": "store",
       "attributes": {
         "id": 1,
         "name": "Toy, Steuber and Schinner",
         "num_books": 8,
         "active": true
       "relationships": {
         "books": {
           "data": [
               "id": "1",
               "type": "book"
               "id": "4",
               "type": "book"

Using FastJSONAPI to modify as_json

Add this line to your Gemfile.

gem 'fast_jsonapi'

And then bundle install

We can now use the built in generator in order to make ourselves a serializer.

rails g serializer Store id name

This will add the appropriate attributes from the Store model. And give us only the id and store name.

Let’s check out what is in the Serializer.

class StoreSerializer
  include FastJsonapi::ObjectSerializer
  attributes :id, :name

So now we have this serializer, and we need to modify our controller.

class Api::V1::OrdersController < ApplicationController
  def index
    render json:

  def show
    render json:[:id]))

So what we are doing is instead of rendering the ActiveRecord stuff in json, we are sending it to the serializer, where the stuff gets serialized, and then that gets rendered as json.

But what if we wanted to show some awesome relationship action?


class StoreSerializer
  include FastJsonapi::ObjectSerializer
  attributes :id, :name

  has_many :books

Add that to your serializer and refresh.

What if we wanted a custom attribute? We can do so using this format.

Let’s say we wanted an attribute with the number of books.

class StoreSerializer
  include FastJsonapi::ObjectSerializer
  attributes :id, :name

  has_many :books

  attribute :num_books do |object|

This syntax is a bit different from what we are used to. We use attribute singular, and then as a symbol we pick the name of what we want our attribute to be. We use a do end block similar to an enumerable with a block parameter. Now the block parameter, object is a lot like self. We get to use it for each single thing of a collection we pass to the serializer. We are essentially saying for each thing you serialize, grab the books and count them too. In this manner we can add a custom generated value for each book.

We can also have a custom static attribute like so:

class StoreSerializer
  include FastJsonapi::ObjectSerializer
  attributes :id, :name

  has_many :books

  attribute :num_books do |object|

  attribute :active do

Extra Practice

Do what we did to Stores, but for Books now.

  • Some existing fields
    • id, title, author, genre, summary, num_sold
  • Some custom fields
    • num_stores
  • A relationship
    • stores

Additional Resources

Lesson Search Results

Showing top 10 results