Module 2 Resources
- 1 of 8 Intro to Database Series. by Dr. Daniel Soper
- Advanced SQL practice
- Database Normalization and Optimization
- Intermediate ActiveRecord
- Callbacks & Refactoring
- Intro to the Asset Pipeline
- Exploration: Shopping Cart Best Practices
- Exploration: Authentication/Autorization
- Rack Tutorial
- Factory Bot
- Capybara (software) - Wikipedia
- The Basics of Capybara and Improving your Tests
- Testing your App with Capybara
Git and Github
HTML, CSS, and Other Styling Resources
- Finding CSS/HTML challenging still? Checkout out this tutorial
- CSS Zen Garden
- Intro to Sass
- Sass
- CSS Basics
- CSS Psuedo-Classes & Psuedo-Elements
- Flexbox Guide
- Flexbox Visualization
- Flexbox Tutorial
- Another Flexbox Tutorial
- Grid Guide
- Grid Tutorial
- Bootstrap Docs
- How to Start with Bootstrap
Preparing for Module 3
- Experimenting with APIs: Work through this tutorial and workshop