Relational Rails

Learning Goals

  • Design a one to many relationship using a schema designer
  • Write migrations to create tables with columns of varying data types and foreign keys.
  • Use Rails to create web pages that allow users to CRUD resources
  • Create instance and class methods on a Rails model that use ActiveRecord methods and helpers
  • Write model and feature tests that fully cover data logic and user behavior


  • must use Rails 5.2.4.x
  • must use PostgreSQL
  • must “handroll” all routes (no use of resources syntax)


  • if there is a specific gem you’d like to use in the project that is not mentioned in this project page, please get permission from your instructors first


  Feature Completeness Rails Database Design ActiveRecord Testing and Debugging
4: Exceptional All User Stories 100% complete including edge cases, and at least one extension story completed Students use the principles of MVC to effectively organize code. Clear schema design with detailed and accurate diagram. Migration history reflects table alterations not taught in class. All data types in the schema make logical sense. Inheritance is utilized to DRY up duplicate queries. 100% coverage for features and models. Either a gem that enhances testing effectiveness is implemented (orderly, factorybot, faker, etc) or within blocks are used throughout tests.
3: Passing Students complete all User Stories. No more than 2 Stories fail to correctly implement functionality. Students can defend any of their design decisions. Routing is organized and consistent and demonstrates use of some RESTful principles. Students can describe how data is passed in their application. Relationships modeled in the database correctly. Appropriate use of foreign keys. Schema design accurately represents actual database schema and design document is linked in the README ActiveRecord helpers are utilized whenever possible. ActiveRecord is used in a clear and effective way to read/write data. No Ruby is used to process data. All queries functional and accurately implemented. 100% coverage for models. 98% coverage for features. Tests are well written and meaningful. Students can point to the difference between integration and unit testing.
2: Passing with Concerns Students fail to complete 3-5 User Stories. Students cannot defend some of their design decisions. Students inaccurately describe how some of their data is passed through their application. Routes don’t demonstrate any use of RESTful design. Some errors in database schema. Schema diagram lacks detail or accurate representation in database. Ruby is used to process data that could use ActiveRecord instead. Some instances where ActiveRecord helpers are not utilized. Some queries not accurately implemented. Feature test coverage between 90% and 98%, or model test coverage below 100%, or tests are not meaningfully written or have an unclear objective.
1: Failing Students fail to complete 6 or more User Stories. Students do not effectively organize code. Poor diagram design. Relationships do not make sense or not accurately modeled in the database. Many errors in database schema. Ruby is used to process data more often than ActiveRecord. Many cases where ActiveRecord helpers are not utilized. Below 90% coverage for either features or models.


Design your database

Read this lesson plan and use it as a reference when designing your database.

Each person will come up with their own one to many relationship. This should represent a real world example of your choice. An example would be:

  • Shelters and Pets
  • A Shelter has many Pets
  • A Pet belongs to one Shelter.

Do not use Parent/Child as your relationship

These relationships are yours to create, but we instructors are happy to provide feedback on the relationships if asked.

Use This database design site to design your database with 2 one to many relationships.

Here is an example diagram:

Example Design

You can create as many columns on each table as you would like, but we need a few columns represented on each table:

  1. One string column for a ‘name’
  2. One boolean column
  3. One numeric column
  4. Two DateTime columns: created_at and updated_at

A couple of things to keep in mind as you’re designing your schema:

  • Foreign Keys do not count as an integer column
  • You should not create columns that duplicate data. For example, in Pets/Shelters, a Shelter should not store a “pet_count” column since the count of Pets can also be found by counting the number of associated pets

Schema Design will be reviewed at our first check-in

User Stories

In these stories, we will refer to the “one” side of the relationship as the “parent” and the “many” side of the relationship as the “children/child”. In the Pets/Shelters example, Shelter would be the Parent and Pets would be the Children.

Children can be associated to the Parent. Children belong to a parent. Anywhere you see child_table_name think pets from our Pets and Shelters example.

Each user story will focus on one of the following:


CRUD Functionality

Usability: Users should be able to use the site easily. This means making sure there are links/buttons to reach all parts of the site and the styling/layout is sensible.

Iteration 1

[ ] done

User Story 1, Parent Index (x2)

For each parent table
As a visitor
When I visit '/parents'
Then I see the name of each parent record in the system
[ ] done

User Story 2, Parent Show (x2)

As a visitor
When I visit '/parents/:id'
Then I see the parent with that id including the parent's attributes:
- data from each column that is on the parent table
[ ] done

User Story 3, Child Index (x2)

As a visitor
When I visit '/child_table_name'
Then I see each Child in the system including the Child's attributes:
[ ] done

User Story 4, Child Show (x2)

As a visitor
When I visit '/child_table_name/:id'
Then I see the child with that id including the child's attributes:
[ ] done

User Story 5, Parent Children Index (x2)

As a visitor
When I visit '/parents/:parent_id/child_table_name'
Then I see each Child that is associated with that Parent with each Child's attributes:
[ ] done

User Story 6, Parent Index sorted by Most Recently Created (x2)

As a visitor
When I visit the parent index,
I see that records are ordered by most recently created first
And next to each of the records I see when it was created
[ ] done

User Story 7, Parent Child Count (x2)

As a visitor
When I visit a parent's show page
I see a count of the number of children associated with this parent
[ ] done

User Story 8, Child Index Link

As a visitor
When I visit any page on the site
Then I see a link at the top of the page that takes me to the Child Index
[ ] done

User Story 9, Parent Index Link

As a visitor
When I visit any page on the site
Then I see a link at the top of the page that takes me to the Parent Index
[ ] done

User Story 10, Parent Child Index Link

As a visitor
When I visit a parent show page ('/parents/:id')
Then I see a link to take me to that parent's `child_table_name` page ('/parents/:id/child_table_name')

Iteration 1 will be reviewed at your second check-in

Iteration 2

[ ] done

User Story 11, Parent Creation (x2)

As a visitor
When I visit the Parent Index page
Then I see a link to create a new Parent record, "New Parent"
When I click this link
Then I am taken to '/parents/new' where I  see a form for a new parent record
When I fill out the form with a new parent's attributes:
And I click the button "Create Parent" to submit the form
Then a `POST` request is sent to the '/parents' route,
a new parent record is created,
and I am redirected to the Parent Index page where I see the new Parent displayed.
[ ] done

User Story 12, Parent Update (x2)

As a visitor
When I visit a parent show page
Then I see a link to update the parent "Update Parent"
When I click the link "Update Parent"
Then I am taken to '/parents/:id/edit' where I  see a form to edit the parent's attributes:
When I fill out the form with updated information
And I click the button to submit the form
Then a `PATCH` request is sent to '/parents/:id',
the parent's info is updated,
and I am redirected to the Parent's Show page where I see the parent's updated info
[ ] done

User Story 13, Parent Child Creation (x2)

As a visitor
When I visit a Parent Childs Index page
Then I see a link to add a new adoptable child for that parent "Create Child"
When I click the link
I am taken to '/parents/:parent_id/child_table_name/new' where I see a form to add a new adoptable child
When I fill in the form with the child's attributes:
And I click the button "Create Child"
Then a `POST` request is sent to '/parents/:parent_id/child_table_name',
a new child object/row is created for that parent,
and I am redirected to the Parent Childs Index page where I can see the new child listed
[ ] done

User Story 14, Child Update (x2)

As a visitor
When I visit a Child Show page
Then I see a link to update that Child "Update Child"
When I click the link
I am taken to '/child_table_name/:id/edit' where I see a form to edit the child's attributes:
When I click the button to submit the form "Update Child"
Then a `PATCH` request is sent to '/child_table_name/:id',
the child's data is updated,
and I am redirected to the Child Show page where I see the Child's updated information
[ ] done

User Story 15, Child Index only shows `true` Records (x2)

As a visitor
When I visit the child index
Then I only see records where the boolean column is `true`
[ ] done

User Story 16, Sort Parent's Children in Alphabetical Order by name (x2)

As a visitor
When I visit the Parent's children Index Page
Then I see a link to sort children in alphabetical order
When I click on the link
I'm taken back to the Parent's children Index Page where I see all of the parent's children in alphabetical order
[ ] done

User Story 17, Parent Update From Parent Index Page (x2)

As a visitor
When I visit the parent index page
Next to every parent, I see a link to edit that parent's info
When I click the link
I should be taken to that parents edit page where I can update its information just like in User Story 4
[ ] done

User Story 18, Child Update From Childs Index Page (x1)

As a visitor
When I visit the `child_table_name` index page or a parent `child_table_name` index page
Next to every child, I see a link to edit that child's info
When I click the link
I should be taken to that `child_table_name` edit page where I can update its information just like in User Story 11

Iteration 3

[ ] done

User Story 19, Parent Delete (x2)

As a visitor
When I visit a parent show page
Then I see a link to delete the parent
When I click the link "Delete Parent"
Then a 'DELETE' request is sent to '/parents/:id',
the parent is deleted, and all child records are deleted
and I am redirected to the parent index page where I no longer see this parent
[ ] done

User Story 20, Child Delete (x2)

As a visitor
When I visit a child show page
Then I see a link to delete the child "Delete Child"
When I click the link
Then a 'DELETE' request is sent to '/child_table_name/:id',
the child is deleted,
and I am redirected to the child index page where I no longer see this child
[ ] done

User Story 21, Display Records Over a Given Threshold (x2)

As a visitor
When I visit the Parent's children Index Page
I see a form that allows me to input a number value
When I input a number value and click the submit button that reads 'Only return records with more than `number` of `column_name`'
Then I am brought back to the current index page with only the records that meet that threshold shown.
[ ] done

User Story 22, Parent Delete From Parent Index Page (x1)

As a visitor
When I visit the parent index page
Next to every parent, I see a link to delete that parent
When I click the link
I am returned to the Parent Index Page where I no longer see that parent
[ ] done

User Story 23, Child Delete From Childs Index Page (x1)

As a visitor
When I visit the `child_table_name` index page or a parent `child_table_name` index page
Next to every child, I see a link to delete that child
When I click the link
I should be taken to the `child_table_name` index page where I no longer see that child


[ ] done

Sort Parents by Number of Children (x2)

As a visitor
When I visit the Parents Index Page
Then I see a link to sort parents by the number of `child_table_name` they have
When I click on the link
I'm taken back to the Parent Index Page where I see all of the parents in order of their count of `child_table_name` (highest to lowest) And, I see the number of children next to each parent name
[ ] done

Search by name (exact match)

As a visitor
When I visit an index page ('/parents') or ('/child_table_name')
Then I see a text box to filter results by keyword
When I type in a keyword that is an exact match of one or more of my records and press the Search button
Then I only see records that are an exact match returned on the page
[ ] done

Search by name (partial match)

As a visitor
When I visit an index page ('/parents') or ('/child_table_name')
Then I see a text box to filter results by keyword
When I type in a keyword that is an partial match of one or more of my records and press the Search button
Then I only see records that are an partial match returned on the page

This functionality should be separate from your exact match functionality.

Lesson Search Results

Showing top 10 results